Living & Working with real art!


Catherine Lee Neifing’s artwork has been exhibited
in galleries, art centers, quality fine art festivals, hotels and contemporary interior design outlets for many years. Above is “Anthuriums/Blue Blinds,” an acrylic painting at a past exhibition at Danica House, a quality home furnishings store in Santa Barbara, California.


Catherine Lee’s shaped and layered
paintings displayed at Big Sky Cafe and
Gallery in San Luis Obispo, California.

Click on the images below to enlarge.


Catherine's booth at the La Quinta BistangoCathenlarge
Catherine’s booth at the La Quinta Arts Festival in Palm Springs, 2000. The artist (in red) schmoozing at her art reception at Bistango Restaurant in Irvine, California.




Photographs of the artist’s studios.  Catherine often works on many paintings at once.  Here are both shaped and canvas paintings with working sketches. Try to find any of the unfinished works in these photos in their finished states on this website.